Thursday, August 7, 2014

Skin Tag - What is that?

Skin Tags

What are Skin tags? – Acrochordon is the medical term for skin tags which are small pieces of hardened skin that become loosely attached by tissue to another part of the body. Skin tags are harmless and can be removed with surgical procedures or some conventional home remedies, although it is advised by doctors to have this skin tags checked because it is also a symptom of other body ailments like diabetes or even cancer. Majority of skin tags cases are generally non-fatal or harmless.
Even though it is harmless, skin tags appears on places that are highly visible on the body like eyelids, cheeks, and the neck which is a little disturbing for people who are conscious of their beauty and physique. Some skin tags can grow even in the groin and pretty-much everywhere in the body.

What causes Skin tags? - There is no certain explanation for what causes skin tags although there are some instances or diseases that can cause it. People from 50 years old and above are more likely to develop skin tags, but there are cases that infants develop them too. Men and women alike can develop this kind of skin impurity, but it is not contagious; so skin contact with people who have skin tags are safe (except for skin tags that was the result of the Human Papilloma virus or HPV). Here are some causes of skin tags that are already proven by some experts:

1. Excessive Weight – Friction of excess weight to other skin in the body can cause skin tags.
2. Pregnancy – There is a high possibility of skin tags developing during pregnancy due to excessive weight and hormonal imbalances.
3. Diabetes – People with type 2 diabetes are much likely to develop skin tags because of the imbalance of insulin in the body and excessive weight which is evident on diabetic people.
4. Genetics – Some cases of skin tags are hereditary and can be passed from parent to children, but development occurs in the later on the child's life.
5. Human Papilloma virus (HPV) – HPV, which is also notorious for warts, has over a hundred strains and it can even cause skin tags.

How to remove Skin tags? – There are many ways of removing skin tags. We can have the choice to seek medical intervention or just do simple home remedies.
Home remedies include:

• The use of dental floss or strings which you will tie on the base of the skin tag until blood circulation in the skin tag stops and it will fall off easily.
• Cutting the skin tag off with sterilized equipments.
• The use of onion juice where you put a few drops on the skin tag which will dry it and it will easily fall off.
• Tea tree oils which is proven to remove skin tags effectively. Apply it three times a day and within a week you'll see the result

Surgical remedies include:
• Laser treatment
• Chemical treatment
• The use of liquid nitrogen for freezing off skin tags
• Burning the root of the skin tags to prevent further development.

There are a lot of other form of treatment and remedies for skin tags. It is best to seek medical advice from doctors before undergoing such treatments.

Author: DarlenauDyer

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