Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Skin rash - To scratch or not to scratch , that is the question

Skin Rashes

Saying that skin rashes can be pretty irritating would be considered an understatement. Skin rashes, when they appear, affect not just a person’s comfort, but also his or her self-esteem.

Skin rashes have different causes

One of the most common causes of rashes is an allergic reaction. This is actually called contact dermatitis. Although people have very specific allergies, there are certain plants that irritates just about everyone’s skin, like poison ivy or poison oak and others. These rashes are often caused by essential oils on a plant’s leaves or stem.

Getting rashes from contact with a substance can be cured by various creams or lotions. Usually, the rashes go away after a while. However, you can also get rashes from allergic reactions to food, drink or medication. If you develop rashes all over your body after eating, drinking, or taking in new medication, you need to consult a physician right away! Speedy development of rashes could be a serious sign of a severe allergic reaction, especially if you feel any constricting or swelling.

Your lifestyle may also cause skin rashes. If you do not wash skin regularly, you could get some bacteria or fungi that would irritate your skin. In order to prevent rashes, you should make sure that you wear clean clothes and sleep in clean sheets. Change sheets at least once a week.

In washing clothes make sure that you do so properly and wash out all the detergent. Detergent can irritate skin and cause skin rashes. You should also wear lose clothing to prevent sweat from accumulating, as this too can irritate skin and cause rashes.

Some types of skin rashes go away after a few days or weeks. If you find that you have rashes that do not go after a couple of weeks, you might have a skin condition and you should consult with a dermatologist.

Skin rashes have different causes and treatments. 

Going to a dermatologist would help you identify the cause of your skin rashes and the proper treatment for them. Remember that skin rashes can be aggravated if they receive the wrong treatment. You should also avoid scratching your rashes, even if they’re itchy. Doing so could actually spread the rash and make it even itchier. In other cases, the rash would come with inflammation and scratching it could break your skin.

There are also certain products that would provide you with temporary and quick relief from the symptoms of skin rashes. With these topical creams, you might also have an easier time identifying the cause of your rashes and whether you ought to be worried. These creams are often meant to neutralize allergens or kill fungi and bacteria that irritate the skin. If you find that a cream isn’t working, then you should consult with a physician. 

Author: bob

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